Everything You Should Know About Monday

3 min readJan 13, 2021

monday.com: One platform, better teamwork.

Monday is a project management tool that enables organizations to manage tasks, projects, and teamwork. It is a great tool to use to stay organized and on top of your work. I personally use it to organize my Praxis work but you can use it for so much more! But wait, it gets better! Monday is visually easy! You do not need to be trained to understand this platform.

Monday can be used to create your personal workflow or you can pick from their templates! You are able to 100% customize your templates so this makes it easy to understand and have a smooth-running system. The best part of this tech tool is your ability to share it with your teammates. This means you and your team can work together on a template and everything will be synced at the same time. You can communicate with your team easily while sharing files, images, and updates. Not only can you access this information through a computer but you can also download the app to your phone. Easy access anywhere and centralized at your fingertips!

Here I have linked a quick tutorial on how to use Monday:https://www.loom.com/share/fe18c574ec2a45d3bafe426a0126382d?sharedAppSource=personal_library


Staying organized is an easy way to success! When staying organized your work gets done on time and things don’t fall through the cracks. Learning tech tools to help with organization will only help you in the long run!

Organization is the glue that keeps our life together! It leads to so many things like time-management. Chances are if you are organized you tend to have good time-management. Some may struggle with this! It is true that this comes easier to others than some but it is a habit we all should get into. Procrastination is something that I struggle with. I tend to push things off but a tool that has helped me STOP doing this is Monday.

When having everything organized in one place it makes it easier to track what I need to get done. I use Monday to organize everything and Google Calendar for reminders. You can enable notifications on Google Calendar which helps me remember due dates, appointments, and work schedules.

Staying organized is the new cool so jump on the train!


Success in a work-environment can look like many different things. There are a few factors that go into that. There is no step by step on how to be successful but only tools and habits you can learn to become successful. When I think of someone that is successful I think of organized, respectful, honest, and has great time-management. There are tools that can help you become this and once you get into the habit of using them it becomes habitual. I want to encourage you to try out Monday and see for yourself how it’s a game-changer. Organization won’t feel like a hassle anymore but more like one of your strengths!




Hi my names Lexi! College wasn't really my thing but I'm a young entrepreneur working hard to find my true passion.